You can’t change what you've been given. You can’t put more time on the clock. You can’t have a do-over. All you have is now. Do you want to waste it complaining about what you don’t have or what you deserve? There is no need that complaining can fill – it is pointless and a hindrance to progress. Don’t waste your breath on excuses and complaining about what is wrong. It’s like being in a room and a light bulb goes out. Instead of replacing it, you complain about how dark it is and how it is so hard to live when you can’t see. To be the person in the dark is pointless when replacing the bulb is an option. Being in the dark is not an excuse if you have light bulbs. Your life may have lost its brightness. Your energy may be drained and you feel like the end is near. Well if that is the case, why consume your remaining energy? Why not spend all you have on the things you love? You have less than thirty minutes – let your words matter. Don’t explain yourself, express yourself. Complaining drains your life and causes you to be blind to all the blessings your life has to offer. There is no room for pity parties. You have too much to accomplish. Featured Book
How many days have you wasted waiting for a dream opportunity to come your way? Are you waiting today? Well, it is too late – life as you know it, ends today. You don’t have time to think of a brilliant plan to achieve your goals. You don’t have time to wait. A team is waiting for the star basketball player to arrive for the big game. The coach has prepared his game plan around the star player but the time has come for the game to start and he is not there. The game plan is useless and the team can no longer defer to their all-star teammate. Now, they must make full use of their own abilities, the burden falls on their shoulders to compete and win the game. The burden is on your shoulders to live the rest of your life aggressively. No more waiting for the winds to blow in your favor. You tackle life now, as you know it, giving your best and leaving nothing in the tank. What if the world is waiting on you? You have been waiting on something or someone to open the door to your dreams but what if you are who others are waiting for? There is someone that needs what you have. If you don’t give it, who will? They need your offering. They need your melody. They need your love. Someone needs your time. Your minutes are precious; how you use them has a dramatic impact on the world you have imagined. Your gifts are a blessing when you open your heart and mind to share them. Don’t be foolish and put off what you can do now, for tomorrow. You don’t have the luxury of tomorrow. Do it now. Featured Book
":We live by the words of God. We are the words of God." Purchase our latest book Man Cannot Live By Bread Alone and
learn how the power of your words can change everything in your life. When you start a charcoal grill you have to have something that will activate the coals and cause them to burn together. You can light one coal but if the wind blows it could blow out. You need to get the coals so hot that no matter what the circumstances are the fire will thrive.
When we are inspired by a great idea, we can have great excitement to pursue something new but the excitement can fizzle out when adversity strikes. It often leaves us with nothing to motivate us and keep the excitement going. I’ve learned some ways to create and maintain my “grill” of passions: